Meet our One.7, Inc. TEAM!

 This is Cory McDonough, one of our owners here at One.7, Inc.! With over 40 years of experience in the industry, Cory is one of our most knowledgeable team members when it comes to equipment. This is the man behind our equipment.

This is Tina McDonough, one of our owners at One.7, Inc.! With over 34 years of experience in the industry, Tina is our brilliance & brains. She keeps this office moving, motivated & encouraged. 

This is Brenda, our longest employee to date & has been with us for over 17 years! Brenda is also our Used Equipment Sales Manager! She is the voice behind the phone (most of the time) & the one assisting you from point A of your purchase to point Z!  

This is Barry, our New GapVax Inc., & Aries Industries Sales Manager & the man behind the demos!

This is Ben, our mechanic who has been apart of the team for 10 years & keeps the shop running (& the trucks too)! 

This is Taya, our Marketing Manager/Coordinator AKA the woman behind the website/ads/social media!


Taya Stewart


Name Taya Stewart

Title Marketin

Phone 3603670034